So... how'd I do?
They say it’s the clothes that make the woman. In my coaching world, it’s the praise that brings my business and helps me craft the most beneficial offerings.
I have so enjoyed being a part of your day. You’ve been such a joy to work with, and I’m wondering if you’d be willing to craft some feedback and maybe a little blurb o' praise for my website?
I’d love to collect your thoughts on my work, while everything’s still bright & fresh in your mind. Be raw. Be honest. Be brutal, if needed. Your words of support and thoughtful criticism will truly help me build my business and set me on my way to getting my message out to more lovely folks like you!
I will definitely use your feedback as I develop my next offering, but I may also use it as a testimonial on my website, twitter, newsletters, etc. No worries. I'll contact you first with the blurb I want to use and get your approval!
You can also be anonymous and leave off your name and email. However, if you decide to go that route how will I know to send you the special offer? (keep reading!)
After completing the survey - as little or as much as you'd like - I'll send you a link to a special offer for 15% off
Just check the "I WANT IN FOR EUNOIA" box.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reflections with me. I wish you nothing but peace and success - and I'm hopeful that we'll work together again!
Please keep me updated on all the awesome things you are doing!
All the best,
Who are you?
How would your like your location listed if I use a blurb from you?
Where should I sent email to you?
What program did you recently complete with Krissie (that's me!) through Committed Coaching?
Courageous Foundation
Worthy to Woo
One-on-One Coaching
More than one of the above
Depending on what program you completed with me, some of these questions may not make a lot of sense. Just answer what applies to you and those that you feel pulled to answer.
What did your inner whisper say that prompted you to join this program?
What were you struggling with when you first reached out to me?
What was the most delightful experience of your work with me?
Tell me about three tangible shifts in your life that you noticed during your work with me.
Tell me how you struggled during the program.
As the offering wrapped up, are there things you wanted to explore more deeply? Are there ends you would like to have seen tied up more neatly?
What changes could I have made to this program to make it more beneficial to you? Nothing is too big, too small, or to silly. Just tell me!
If expense were not an issue, what services would you really benefit from? What could I give you that would set you on fire?
Right now, in this moment, what is next for you? What do you need to do to get there?
And last but not least: if a fabulous friend, family member, or colleague said to you, "So, how'd it go with Krissie, anyway? Should I reach out to her?" - what would you tell them?
Is it okay with you if I use your testimonial in my materials? Don't worry - I will give you final approval before anything goes live.
I'd rather not.
Would you like to enroll in Eunoia at 15% off?
No thanks!